Monday 29 August 2016

Week 2 Results and Tables

You can now view the latest tables and results. Just click on the Group A, Group B and Tables tabs above.

Monday 22 August 2016

OK...Here We Go.

Yes the new 4-SCORE season has begun and you can now view the results and leagues tables by clicking on the tabs above.

Monday 15 August 2016

Members Log

All the players and all their chosen teams are now logged in. You can see them on the 'Members Log' page. Just click the tab above.

Fancy Your Chances ?

With the start of the new 4-SCORE season just days away, you can find out who you are playing by going to the 'Fixtures' page.
To see what teams they have chosen, just go to the 'Members Log' page.

The New Season Is About To Begin (Amended)

Welcome back to another season of 4-SCORE, the best football related competition around. This competition puts your selected teams up against your opponents.
We have a few less members than last season, but I am very pleased to confirm we still have a great following, with no less than 19 players taking part this time around.
However, due to the lower numbers, I have taken the difficult decision to abandon the doubles competition '4+4-SCORE', in order to make the prize fund for 4-SCORE more appealing.

From the 18 entries, we have 3 members who are playing for free after winning the opportunity last season. This means we have 15 paying members, totaling £150 in entry fees for the prize fund.
The prize fund will be split as follows:
The 4-SCORE Champion will win £100
The 4-SCORE Runner-Up will win £50
The Group A Runner-Up will automatically win a Free Entry for next season.
The Group B Runner-Up will automatically win a Free Entry for next season.
The Consolation Prize Match Winner will win a Free Entry for next season.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for joining, and if this is your first ever season with us, I hope you enjoy the ride.

Good Luck.

2016/17 Fixtures Uploaded

You can now see the new fixture list for the 2016/17 season, which commences next weekend (19-22nd August). just click on the 'Fixtures' tab above.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Are You Ready?

Ok....Back from my hols and I will be processing everyone's entries this weekend.
The 4-SCORE season commences on the 19th Aug.
Full details will be published on the website as soon as possible.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

All Will Become Clear Eventually.

As I am away on holiday at this time, I cannot confirm the total number of entries we received or the fixture list for the new 4-SCORE season which gets under way on August 29th.
All this information and more will be available this coming Sunday evening.
Thanks for joining us

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Time Is Not Your Friend

There are only 2 days left to get your entry forms in to us. Don't miss out by being too late.
If you cannot get your entry forms into us, text or email us your teams by Friday 5th August at 6pm.