Sunday 18 December 2016

Last Action Of 2016

This weekend see's the last games played for this year, with Round 13 coming up on January 13-16th.

Is It Time To Play Your Reserves?

Have you already exchanged some of your first teams for your reserve teams? If not, and you are struggling to get up the table, maybe it is worth while checking out your reserve teams and playing some of them.
If you do want to exchange any, please let me know via Facebook, email, text or phone.
The closing date to change any teams is March 31st.
Swapping to a reserve team could make all the difference.

Just Like Buses...

Hi. Apologies for the massive delay in getting the results and league tables for rounds 9, 10 and 11 to you. Due to recent events in my personal life, I have found it quite difficult to dedicate sufficient time to this competition. However, things are getting a little easier, so now I'm hoping I can do a better job of keeping up to date.
Anyway, you will now find these results and tables under the appropriate tabs.
Thank you for your patience.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Round 9 Delay

Apologies for not keeping you up to date on the results of Round 9.
we are awaiting Peterborough's next game to complete quiet a few results. I thought it better to wait until we had those goals (if any) in.
I believe their next game is this coming weekend, which means the same goals will also count in this weekend's Round 10