Sunday 18 December 2016

Last Action Of 2016

This weekend see's the last games played for this year, with Round 13 coming up on January 13-16th.

Is It Time To Play Your Reserves?

Have you already exchanged some of your first teams for your reserve teams? If not, and you are struggling to get up the table, maybe it is worth while checking out your reserve teams and playing some of them.
If you do want to exchange any, please let me know via Facebook, email, text or phone.
The closing date to change any teams is March 31st.
Swapping to a reserve team could make all the difference.

Just Like Buses...

Hi. Apologies for the massive delay in getting the results and league tables for rounds 9, 10 and 11 to you. Due to recent events in my personal life, I have found it quite difficult to dedicate sufficient time to this competition. However, things are getting a little easier, so now I'm hoping I can do a better job of keeping up to date.
Anyway, you will now find these results and tables under the appropriate tabs.
Thank you for your patience.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Round 9 Delay

Apologies for not keeping you up to date on the results of Round 9.
we are awaiting Peterborough's next game to complete quiet a few results. I thought it better to wait until we had those goals (if any) in.
I believe their next game is this coming weekend, which means the same goals will also count in this weekend's Round 10

Thursday 10 November 2016

Round 8 Results & League Tables

The results and tables have been published. Just click on the appropriate page tabs above to view.
We now head into another 2 week break, returning with Round 9 on the weekend 25-28th November.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

My Transfers

I have transferred two of my teams.
Championship: Out - Ipswich,  In- QPR
League One:  Out - Chesterfield,  In- Northampton
Effective from 25/10/16   00:01

Note: All transfers are now listed on our new 'Transfers' page. Click the tab above.

Another Break Ahead

Yes, we now take another fortnights break from 4-SCORE, with Round 8 coming on the weekend 4-7th November. Will be back with a bang on Guy Fawkes weekend.  :]

Monday 24 October 2016

Round 7 Results & Tables

The results and league tables for Round 7 can now be seen by clicking on the appropriate tabs above.
Also note, any reserve teams that have been played, are now highlighted in blue on the Score Sheets.
I am unable to highlight them in the Members log at this time.
Once again, may I remind you that it is down to you to inform me of any team cahnges you wish to make. To do so, just contact me either by phone, text, e-mail of via Facebook. Your new team would become effective from the point I receive your request [but NOT during a game they might be playing at the time].
If your opponents are playing their reserve teams, they could end up wth an edg over you. Play your reserves wisely.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Making Your Move Yet?

Remember, you can change your teams anytime now, until the end of March 2017. If you are not sure who your reserve teams were, just go to the 'Members Log' tab above.
Transferring at the right time could be vital.

Results and Tables For Rounds 5 & 6

At last, the results and league tables covering both rounds 5 and 6 have been published. Go to appropriate tabs above.

We're Back In Action

After a couple of weeks of  ''If anything can go wrong it will'' luck, hopefully things can now get back on track. A new pc (virtually) is what I've had to invest in, so lets hope we don't get any more of the problems for a while.

Monday 3 October 2016

Transfer Time Is Here

Yes, from the 1st Oct through to March 31st, you can now exchange your teams for your reserve teams. But remember, once you've changed teams in one of the divisions, that's it. You can't change back. So exchanging your teams at the right time could prove vital.
To exchange one our more of your teams, just contact me via phone, text, email of Facebook messenger. Your transfers will be valid from my confirmation.

Can't Open Pages?

To open pages in mobile phone mode, just tap on the HOME bar.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Almost Transfer Time

Yes folks. From Saturday 1st October, you can begin to exchange your teams for your Reserve Teams, should you wish to do so. Maybe you will be eager to boost your chances of winning the title, or maybe you will decide to wait a while and bide your time before being too hasty. The choice is yours. You have right up until the 31st March to decide. However, please remember it is up to you to request a transfer by contacting me either by phone, text or e-mail. YOU are in control of your teams, NOT ME. All transfers will take place from the date and time I receive your request.
Please note, a team cannot be exchanged whilst it is involved in a match. IE: If you request a team exchange at 3.10 for example and your team kicked off at 3.00, then the exchange will not take place until after the match is finished.

Week 4 - Results And Tables

Another weekend of 4-SCORE has taken place, and the results and league tables can now be seen. Just click on the Group and Tables tabs above.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Week 3 - Results and League Tables

So, Week 3 has been played and I'm sure you will be wondering how you did. Just how well are your teams performing?
Well to find out, just click on the appropriate tabs above.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Back This Weekend

Yes folks. After a 2 week break, Week 3 of 4-SCORE will be in action. To see who you are playing, go to the 'Fixtures' page. To see the teams they have got, go to the 'Members Log' page.
Also, get ready because the 4-SCORE transfer season starts in just over 2 weeks time, on the 1st October. This will go on until the end of March, so will you bide your time, or will you panic early and change some of your teams? It will be down to you.

Monday 29 August 2016

Week 2 Results and Tables

You can now view the latest tables and results. Just click on the Group A, Group B and Tables tabs above.

Monday 22 August 2016

OK...Here We Go.

Yes the new 4-SCORE season has begun and you can now view the results and leagues tables by clicking on the tabs above.

Monday 15 August 2016

Members Log

All the players and all their chosen teams are now logged in. You can see them on the 'Members Log' page. Just click the tab above.

Fancy Your Chances ?

With the start of the new 4-SCORE season just days away, you can find out who you are playing by going to the 'Fixtures' page.
To see what teams they have chosen, just go to the 'Members Log' page.

The New Season Is About To Begin (Amended)

Welcome back to another season of 4-SCORE, the best football related competition around. This competition puts your selected teams up against your opponents.
We have a few less members than last season, but I am very pleased to confirm we still have a great following, with no less than 19 players taking part this time around.
However, due to the lower numbers, I have taken the difficult decision to abandon the doubles competition '4+4-SCORE', in order to make the prize fund for 4-SCORE more appealing.

From the 18 entries, we have 3 members who are playing for free after winning the opportunity last season. This means we have 15 paying members, totaling £150 in entry fees for the prize fund.
The prize fund will be split as follows:
The 4-SCORE Champion will win £100
The 4-SCORE Runner-Up will win £50
The Group A Runner-Up will automatically win a Free Entry for next season.
The Group B Runner-Up will automatically win a Free Entry for next season.
The Consolation Prize Match Winner will win a Free Entry for next season.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for joining, and if this is your first ever season with us, I hope you enjoy the ride.

Good Luck.

2016/17 Fixtures Uploaded

You can now see the new fixture list for the 2016/17 season, which commences next weekend (19-22nd August). just click on the 'Fixtures' tab above.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Are You Ready?

Ok....Back from my hols and I will be processing everyone's entries this weekend.
The 4-SCORE season commences on the 19th Aug.
Full details will be published on the website as soon as possible.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

All Will Become Clear Eventually.

As I am away on holiday at this time, I cannot confirm the total number of entries we received or the fixture list for the new 4-SCORE season which gets under way on August 29th.
All this information and more will be available this coming Sunday evening.
Thanks for joining us

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Time Is Not Your Friend

There are only 2 days left to get your entry forms in to us. Don't miss out by being too late.
If you cannot get your entry forms into us, text or email us your teams by Friday 5th August at 6pm.

Monday 18 July 2016

I Know...Bad Timing

Due to family holiday, I will be away for a week following the closing date for the entry forms.
Therefore, the 4-SCORE season will not commence until the weekend 19th-22nd August. However, all entry forms MUST still be in by August 5th.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Entry Forms Available Now !!

Yes, ladies and gents, the 2016/17 entry forms are now available. Contact me on one of the ways listed in the Contact tab, or print off the two pages and send them to the address also on the Contact page. Easier still, you can just read the rules on here and just send me your 4 teams and 4 reserve teams via email. however, please remember your entry will not be added until your entry fee has been received. All forms and fees MUST be in by Friday 5th August at 6pm.