Tuesday 27 September 2016

Almost Transfer Time

Yes folks. From Saturday 1st October, you can begin to exchange your teams for your Reserve Teams, should you wish to do so. Maybe you will be eager to boost your chances of winning the title, or maybe you will decide to wait a while and bide your time before being too hasty. The choice is yours. You have right up until the 31st March to decide. However, please remember it is up to you to request a transfer by contacting me either by phone, text or e-mail. YOU are in control of your teams, NOT ME. All transfers will take place from the date and time I receive your request.
Please note, a team cannot be exchanged whilst it is involved in a match. IE: If you request a team exchange at 3.10 for example and your team kicked off at 3.00, then the exchange will not take place until after the match is finished.

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